The main function of the armor rods is to protect conductors/strands against bending, compression, abrasion and arcover damage and to provide restorative repair.
Our company has created a denomination that will allow us to recognize the accessory. The denomination for the armor rods is the following: with letters meaning the product AR(Armor Rods), Arabic numerals meaning raw material which they are made from. AA( Aluminium Alloy) AC(Galvanized Steel), AW(Aluminium Clad Steel-ACS), CW(Copper Clad Steel-CCS), and with two series of three numbers, they show the diameter range of the specified conductor. The rods of the fitting are refaced in the ends to avoid damages in the assembly and to the specified conductor. Refacing of the ends is made by abrasion in the rods up to 4,62 mm. When the rods are of aluminium and the diameter is major or equal to 5,18mm, are BALLENDED rods.These rods can be made with PARROT BILL ENDED rods, if the electric line requires this type of end for corona protection. TOLERANCES: LENGTH ±25 mm.