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33KV Stay Porcelain Strain  Insulator 54 Series


An insulator is a material or method that restricts the transfer of either heat or electricity. In the case of heat, thermal insulators work by reducing the rate heat can travel through a space. Generally, they use specific materials and will keep heat-carrying matter from moving. In the case of electricity, electrical insulators confine an electric current to a designated path. They typically work by using a material with many outer elections, a condition that will cause lowelectrical conductivity.

Creepage Distance mm

main dimension(H)9014621628089108140171
main dimension(h)4873898944577967
main dimension(h)60991331656476103114
main dimension(O)687311511564738689
main dimension(d)1044676744546060
main dimension(d1)1622383816222525
Mechanical Falling Load KN1015203044538989
Power frequency flashower voltage dry/kv277122222225303540
Power frequency flashower voltage Wet/kv

Apply StandardASANSI

33KV Stay Porcelain Strain  Insulator 54 Series

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Mary Kelly